miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

How to Speak Effectively on the Telephone for Business

Phone calls are an opportunity to communicate with potential and current customers. Developing effective phone skills is essential to your business success.

Step1Use your first name when answering the phone, along with a standard professional greeting. Eliminate background noise if possible.
Step2Try not to keep a caller on hold for a long time. If you can't help her right away, tell her you'll call back - then do so.
Step3Be patient and listen to what the customer is saying. Avoid providing an answer before she is finished speaking.
Step4Conduct follow-up calls to customers to enhance customer loyalty and appreciation for good service.
Step5Leave brief, clear messages on answering systems, giving your name, reason for the call and contact information. Don't forget to leave your phone number, even if the person has it, so she doesn't have to look it up.
Step6Ask if this is a good time for you to be calling when you reach someone. If not, ask when you can reach her again.
Step7Be as direct and friendly as possible if you proceed. Remember that customers are as busy as you are.
Step8Put off making business calls when you're too distracted or tired to give it your all. Make those calls when they fit in best with your schedule and demeanor.

Tips & Warnings
Try to sound genuinely interested in what the caller has to say, and use her name whenever you can to personalize the call.
Smile when you talk to people on the phone - it will show up in your voice.
Avoid acting rushed, even if you are. If you're so stressed that you can't handle the call well, let voice mail pick it up until you've collected yourself.
Avoid being a pest when making calls. Call often enough to follow up, but not so often that you appear desperate for the business.

9/30/2007 Talk slowly! n people on the other side can hear. If you use eNumber and you won't be too stress and you ca talk even slowly cos it is free. Get your enumber at http://www.enumobile.com

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on 6/30/2006 While on the phone, look at yourself talking in the mirror. It will help you focus on what you are saying and helps to eliminate the fear of talking to someone you can't see. There you are, supporting yourself through that tough conversation!

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on 11/22/2005 Try saying a person's name several times BEFORE the phone call. This will help with any pronunciation problems. Remember to get his/her title right. Do not keep repeating their name in the conversation. Most people have caught on to the rule of saying the customer's name three times before the sales pitch and tire of it. Allow your customer plenty of time to speak, and use prompt words such as "Go on," and "Really" (in a sincere tone, of course). This shows them that you are truly interested in what they have to say. And let's face it, who wouldn't rather speak about themselves than listen to another person?

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on 11/22/2005 When leaving a message, I find it good to say your name, organization, phone number and message and then repeat your name, organization and phone number ... in case they didn't catch it the first time!

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on 11/22/2005 If the caller needs to get back to you with information, give him a variety of ways - fax, e-mail, voice mail, etc.

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