martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008


Studies show that Americans’ number-one fear is public
speaking. Actors, television personalities, and public
speakers all feel it. So do salespeople, community leaders,
and managers who are called on to make seemingly routine
Experienced speakers, though, know how to combat
stage fright. Through careful planning, proper training,
and conscious relaxation exercises, these speakers have
learned how to channel fear into control and confidence.
All people have the actual skills needed for good presentations;
using these skills in front of an audience is the area
in which training is needed. Good communication and
successful speaking skills can be learned.
In defining a presentation, this article begins with
one end of the spectrum, something that is loosely called
a speech. Most speeches have very little impact because
they do not ask the speaker to do anything, whereas the
very definition of the word present is “to bring, to give a
gift to.” This implies that a giver (a presenter) is tuned in
to what the recipient (the audience) wants. What response
do we get when we give someone a gift of something he or
she really wants? What response do we get when we give
someone a gift that he or she really doesn’t like? The difference
between these two is the difference between sharing
a meaningful message and delivering a speech.
Audiences dislike being talked to; they eagerly await
speakers who drive home a point or idea that they can
readily use in their personal or professional lives.
When imparting information, two things are happening
1. The presenter is making a commitment to the audience.
The presenter is working to prove a point that
will win the support of the audience or that will
generate action.
2. The audience is making a judgment on the presenter,
asking such questions as, “Do I really trust this
person?” “Does this information make any sense?”
“Are the facts presented accurate?”
A person who has accepted an invitation to speak
should answer three questions before beginning to think
about what to say and how to say it:
1. Who is the audience?
2. What does the audience want to know?
3. What is the best way to provide the audience with
the information they want?
Most presentations are given for one of five reasons:
to entertain, inform, inspire, convince, or persuade. Once

Speaking Skills in Business
the purpose is determined, a talk should be organized
around three main parts:
1. Introduction: This “hooks” the audience, entices people
to listen, and previews what is to come. Effective
introductory devices include questions, dramatic or
humorous statements, jokes, anecdotes, and personal
2. Body: This is the subject—the meat of the speech. It
should relate the who, what, when, where, why, and
how of the subject. To keep the talk simple and easy
to understand, the speaker should stick to three—no
more than four—main points, relying on facts, figures,
illustrations, specific examples, and comparisons
to support these main points.
3. Conclusion: This final section should highlight key
points that the audience should remember. It should
also make people feel they have gained something
by listening. The audience might be challenged to
act or react to the message within a specific time
The content of the message should be structured in
an orderly and logical manner. This makes it easier for
people to follow, digest, and retain the information. If the
audience has difficulty following the speaker’s train of
thought, the message will not get or keep their attention.
The skeletal structure of any presentation should be:
Formulating an achievable and clearly stated objective
is crucial. It provides the whole focus for preparation
and acts as a guide in determining what to include in the
body of the message.
I. Introduction
A. Opening
B. Objective
C. Preview
II. Body
A. Key point 1
a) Supporting material
b) Transition statement
B. Key point 2
a) Supporting material
b) Transition statement
C. Key point 3
a) Supporting material
b) Transition statement
III. Closing
A. Summary
B. To do
Stating the objective at the beginning of the presentation
is equally important. Doing so lets the audience
know what to expect. It prepares them for what they are
about to hear. Therefore, it should always be stated in conversational
terms. It might begin this way: “Today we will
explore.…” or “I will help you understand.…”
With the foundation (objective) in place, one can
proceed to outline the body of the presentation. Key
points are those that unlock the door to the subject and let
the audience in on the most important content areas of
the message.
It is said that every great message contains at least one
key point but not more than three. The rule of three
forces the speaker to think through the material and distill
the most significant points. Having three or fewer
points keeps it simple for listeners. Usually information is
remembered in groups of threes, fours, or sevens. Telephone
numbers, for example, are spoken first with two
sets of three numbers and then with a set of four:
(123)456-7890. Elementary school teachers never present
material in groups of more than seven items. The way
people store and recall information represents the brain’s
effort to organize and combine data, making it easier to
This same principle applies to the body of a presentation.
Simplifying it provides the audience with a message
that they will be better able to assimilate and retain.
Supporting material for each key point can be
obtained by using:
• Examples
• Stories
• Quotations
• Findings
• Comparisons
Since supporting material accounts for most of the
content of a presentation, it generally takes the most time
to identify, collect, and develop. Again, though, the rule
of three should be applied. Significant points will get lost
in the maze of rambling information if too much supporting
material is presented. On the other hand, a presentation
will not be convincing if too little supporting
material to substantiate key points is included.
A transition statement acts as a minisummary or
minipreview within the body of the presentation. It
announces the end of one point and introduces the next.
Transitions help listeners stay with the speaker, making
the message easier to follow and remember. Without transitions,
a speaker could be halfway into the next point
while some of the listeners are still trying to figure out
what this has to do with the previous point. A sample

Speaking Skills in Business
transition statement might be: “Now that we have studied…,”
or “Let’s take a look at…”
People are most readily persuaded by what they heard
frequently and recently; therefore, a summary should
include a capsule of the key points in brief sentence form.
This review drives the message home to the listener.
Most trainers apply the formula T ¥ 3 (tell them
three times) when delivering a message:
Preview: Tell them what you are going to tell them.
Body: Tell them.
Summary: Tell them what you told them.
The last point to impress on an audience is how they
can use the information presented to bring about meaningful
change in their lives. The “To Do” of a message can
be accomplished by using statements such as: “I challenge
you to…” or “I encourage you to…”
Memorizing a presentation is a bad idea because
stumbling or forgetting one word might cause the whole
speech to fall apart. Memorized words also tend to sound
cold and lifeless instead of warm and genuine. Reading a
speech is not a good option either, because doing so prevents
having eye contact with the audience. Instead, a
speaker should write the main points on note cards and
rehearse the speech at least five times, striving for spontaneity,
variety, and naturalness in delivery.
To assure a successful presentation, follow these suggestions:
1. Practice mental imagery. Imagine yourself triumphantly
succeeding. Tell yourself, over and over
again, that you have something important to share
and that you will do a great job sharing it.
2. Rehearse privately in front of a mirror and on tape.
Critique the pace and tempo of your presentation,
as well as your enunciation, articulation, and pronunciation
of words. Ask a trusted friend to critique
your delivery.
3. Type your talk in large, bold type and number all
pages/cards of your presentation. If you drop them,
visible numbers will help you put them back
together again in the correct order.
4. Conduct extra research. Conducting detailed
research on your topic helps you gain a tremendous
feeling of mastery and confidence.
5. Dress comfortably, but in good taste, and tuck away
a lucky symbol on yourself.
6. Bring along some handouts. Cartoons, objects, or
memorabilia that can be passed around the room are
very effective interest grabbers. They are especially
useful when you must pause to collect your
thoughts or calm your nerves.
7. Talk to someone. Before your talk begins, talk to a
friend in your audience. Or talk to several. The
more people you have a chance to meet before the
talk begins. the more easily you will be able to treat
your audience as a group of friends.
8. Introduce yourself. Talk a bit about your background.
Let your audience know something about
your interests. Even frightened speakers have the
ability to introduce themselves with style.
9. Speak deeply. Let your comments flow from deep
within your body. Your voice will sound more forceful
as a result.
10. Position yourself firmly at the lectern or table. Rest
your hands firmly but comfortably at the edge of
the lectern or table. As your hands gently grasp the
lectern, you will boost your sense of command and
11. Remember that physical action often softens fear.
The more you are able to move your body or your
major muscle groups, the more likely you will
induce a sense of calm.
12. Modulate your voice. Enunciate carefully, pause
when appropriate, and accent important points with
a change in volume.
13. State your case. Good presentations are forceful presentations.
Do not hesitate to express your viewpoint
firmly or offer provocative ideas to the
audience. The more you are able to express strongly
held views, the more you will feel in control of the
14. Enjoy yourself. You need not be a polished celebrity
to deliver a quality talk. Enjoy the experience. To
relax yourself and your audience, do not forget to

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