martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008


Meetings have been considered very important from time
immemorial. In fact, it could be said that virtually all of
the great events in history resulted from meetings. Meetings
undoubtedly started when the first cave dwellers met
to make crude hunting plans. Today, meetings are essential
means for achieving the communication necessary for
the operation of virtually all organizations, large and
Just exactly what is a meeting? A meeting is a number
of people assembled together, usually at a prestated date
and time, to discuss a topic for the purpose of presenting
information, swaying opinion, formulating a decision,
practicing a skill, and/or developing a plan of action.
Those at the meeting may belong to the same group, to
different groups, or perhaps not to any group at all. A
meeting might be called by an individual or by an organization.
Usually the people meeting convene together
physically within a designated area. Sometimes, however,
meetings are held by people thousands of miles apart via
telephone conference calls or video conferencing.
Many kinds of meetings are held in business. Probably the
most common are staff meetings, project team meetings,
process and procedure meetings, and quarterly meetings.
In most large companies, hundreds of these meetings may
occur weekly. Employees of all levels, including many
below top-management level, attend them.
Staff meetings. Most supervisors and managers hold
weekly or biweekly staff meetings with their “direct
reports.” In these meetings, they communicate higherlevel
decisions that have been made, discuss progress of
the team toward departmental or company goals, and
answer any staff members’ questions.
Project team meetings. In most large companies, there are
often project teams developed and facilitated by project
managers. They are often comprised of people from different
departments whose purpose is to design, develop,
and/or implement a new product, process, or system. Project
team members are assigned certain tasks to complete
within stipulated time frames. Many of these people serve
as part-time project resources in addition to performing
their “regular” jobs.
Process and procedure meetings. These meetings are usually
called to communicate new processes and/or procedures
to a group of people who are affected. The
communication includes an overview of the new process

Meeting Management
or procedure, the effect on that particular group of people,
and steps to follow. A presentation-style format is
used, with the presenter serving as the facilitator. At the
end, a question-and-answer period usually follows.
Quarterly meetings. Quarterly earnings are announced at
these meetings, along with detailed information on the
financial status of the entire company and progress made
toward strategic and departmental goals. Strategic direction
changes are also communicated. A team of high-level
executives ordinarily preside, using a presentation-style
In order for meetings to be successful, careful attention
must be paid to a myriad of details. Two kinds of details
are the most important: (1) thorough planning of premeeting
activities and (2) skillful leadership during the
meeting itself.
Premeeting planning. These steps should be taken before
the meeting starts:
1. Determine whether a meeting really needs to be
held or whether the objectives could be achieved
through phone calls or written communication.
2. Prepare an agenda that includes the objective and
the desired outcome of the meeting. Date, location,
time of meeting, and a list of attendees should be
included. A typical agenda includes the following:
(a) call the meeting to order; (b) read the minutes of
the previous meeting for approval, then correct
errors and omissions; (c) hear reports of officers and
committees; (d) discuss unfinished business; (e) take
up new business; (f ) adjourn. Announcements and
other business not requiring a vote may come at the
beginning or end of the meeting. If possible, the
estimated time for each agenda item should be
3. Distribute the agenda to the participants, providing
ample time for them to review the agenda/prework
prior to the meeting. Any applicable prework should
be attached to the agenda. Roles should be clear to
the participants: input providers, decision makers,
or both. Persons who will be presenting reports
should be contacted to ensure that they will be
4. Determine who will facilitate (preside over) the
meeting. This could be anyone present, not necessarily
the highest-level attendee. The roles of facilitator
and of note-taker may be rotated. The name and
position of this person should be announced before
the meeting starts.
5. Limit attendance to those with subject-matter
knowledge who will make valuable contributions
and have decision-making authority.
6. Ensure the availability of the materials/equipment
necessary to run the meeting effectively and that the
equipment is working. Such materials/equipment
may include:
• extra copies of agenda and prework
• overhead projector and/or LCD panel/projector
• easel/flip-chart pads
• markers, extra pencils
• name tags
• extension cords
• transparencies
• Light refreshments should be available for people as
they arrive; this creates a good feeling and may contribute
to the success of the meeting.
Conducting meetings. Once the meeting is underway,
following these guidelines will enhance its effectiveness:
1. The facilitator should start the meeting on time. If a
gavel is used, it should be rapped once to declare
order at the beginning and as necessary throughout
the meeting. The facilitator should welcome those
present and, if appropriate, have them introduce
themselves. After some informal remarks, the facilitator
should restate the meeting objectives, establish
the ground rules of the meeting, and ask for any
additions to the agenda.
2. A quorum (usually a majority of the members) is
ordinarily required to conduct business. If the existence
of a quorum is questioned, it must be determined
that one exists for the meeting to continue.
3. The role of the facilitator is to keep the meeting on
track, follow the agenda and time schedule, identify
and assign tasks, and listen and ask questions. If the
discussion drifts away from the agenda, the facilitator
should diplomatically but firmly declare the
errant remarks “out of order” and return discussion
to the agenda.
4. Any member recognized by the facilitator may make
a motion. Following a second, the group discusses
the motion. When discussion ends, the motion is
voted on. A majority vote is ordinarily required for a
motion to pass. A successful vote approves “immediate
action” or “tables” the motion (that is, refers one

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